A skilled developer with experience in both Frontend and Backend technologies, including ReactJs, React Native, Redux, NextJs, Styled-Components, Angular, NodeJs, Express, and Nest.js. Experienced in working with databases such as MySQL, MongoDB, and SQLite, and proficient in RESTful and GraphQL API. Has worked with Microservice architecture, and has experience using AWS services including AWS Lambda.

Has a track record of integrating third-party services such as UPS Shipping, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and MailChimp, and working with payment gateways such as Stripe, Authorized.net, and PayPal. Deploying applications using Docker has been a part of my experience.


● Frontend: ReactJs, React Native, Redux, NextJs, Angular, Styled-Components

● Backend: NodeJs, Express.js, Nest.js

● Databases: MySQL, MongoDB, SQLite

● APIs: RESTful, GraphQL

● Architecture: Monolithic, Microservices

● Technologies: JSON, S3 Bucket, AWS ECS, Code Build, Nginx, Docker

● Integrations: Nionx, UPS Shipping, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, MailChimp

● Payments: Stripe, Authorized.net, PayPal

● Deployment: Amazon ECS, Heroku-pipelines

Awais Rai

Awais Rai

Skilled Full-stack Developer experienced in React, Redux, NextJs, NodeJs, Express, Nest.js, AWS Lambda, RESTful & GraphQL API, and Docker.